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The Mold Girl

1617 Juliana St Daniel Island SC 29492 United States

Along with an educational experience in Architecture and Sustainable Design, and years of hands-on remediation practice, Liz Keefer joined the field of conducting Indoor Air Quality Assessments after identifying a void in the market that had to be filled. She gave up her hand instruments for her inspection and screening tools, and the birth of "The Mold Girl" had begun. Liz Keefer currently holds the label of Indoor Environmental Consultant (CIEC) accredited by the ACAC Council which is the most prestigious certification one can earn in the indoor air quality industry.

With more than 9 years of adventure helping homeowners and business owners with environmental issues, Liz Keefer presents the same care and factor on every job. Mold Sensitive to some species herself, Liz really knows how mold can affect one person rather than another, and how constant exposure can affect everyday life. In her "Mold Girl" SUV, Liz can often be actually seen driving around town, and sometimes seen chatting on the street with your residents and business owners who simply have questions. Do not think twice to stop and say hello when you see her!